Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Where does it come from. I think it repopulates somewhere between the floor, the hamper and the washer. It never stops! I don't see my kids change clothes 3 times a day yet when I think I have everything caught up I find 2 more loads begging to be cleaned. If I miss a day, I have 6 loads to do. Is there something wrong with using a towel more than once? We have a rack and they will dry. And why do I find winter clothes in the laundry in the middle of summer. And why is it I seem to be the only one that checks pockets? In the event someone else throws a load in, we may end up with lip gloss, candy, gum or one of many unknown objects. What they don't know won't hurt them though... I keep any money I find!! Also, I don't know if anyone in our house knows how to put anything in the hamper unless it is inside out. Maybe they will get the point if I fold them the same way the throw them in the hamper! I think my house is infested with laundry gremlins!!!


Cat eyez said...

Laundry, wow, touchy subject. How hard is it, if you throw the clothes towards the hamper and it missed, to walk over and assure that it gets placed in its rightful resting area, being that not of the floor but in the hamper? That is an ongoing battle in house holds across the world....I do believe that our washing machine has a stomach and ingests our socks also. I mean, how can you do laundry to the end and still cannot locate the missing three different pairs of socks? Chica, you are so correct when you say the term gremlins. I think they do exist.

Anonymous said...

I agree laundry multiplies. I don't remember dreading laundry before kids! I feel your pain!

Kelley said...

And how many times can you ask a child to stop leaving her soaking wet bath towels on the floor before you decide to strangle her. I mean, seriously. It's on the floor NEXT TO THE HAMPER.

Em tries on three shirts in the morning, throws them on the floor, then throws them in the hamper when I ask her to pick up her room. Threats of violence do not impact this behavior. It's ridiculous.

Boo puts pants in the hamper with one leg inside out and the other right side out. With a belt still threaded through the loops. And a balled up sock stuffed in one pocket. ACK!

Tim Bastron said...

How do you do the laundry? Everything on cold? Do you sort colors? Let's hear about your process.

hippychick said...

We do it the normal way of course. Sort colors, bleach whites unless of course we don't have enough of one type. Then we might mix. Rarely use warm or hot water, almost always cold. We administer color safe bleach on colors and very frequently soak with spray N wash. Although, looking at my clothes you could never tell since almost anything that spills between my hand and my mouth lands in my chest area. For whatever reason, spray n wash hates my clothes, works ok on the kids though.