Sunday, July 13, 2008


My mom, daughter and sister in law went to see Lonestar at Fair St. Louis last night. It was fantastic. My brother got 4 tickets including backstage meet and greet passes. The concert was fantastic and these guys were so nice. Dean, the keyboard player (among other instruments) treated my 14 yr old like a princess. She left on cloud 9. On the way home we had a 10 minute discussion about getting pulled over. This was prompted by my sister in law who says even as an adult in her 30's, still gets nervous when she sees the lights flashing behind her. (even though her husband, who is my youngest brother, is a police officer) The 3 adults in the car all seemed to agree it is still a not so yummy feeling to be pulled over. Driving home we passed a doughnut shop and a few miles later decided to turn around and get breakfast for the next morning. Driving down the road laughing and chatting I looked up to see the red lights flashing and got that pit in my tummy. My daughter just kept saying, mom... this is not cool. Suddenly the nervousness went away and was replaced with with laughter. We just had a conversation about being pulled over..... you have got to be kidding me! Fortunately, he was way nice and probably would have sent us on our way (unknown to me, I had a headlight out) if I just would have remembered to put my current insurance card in my van. 5 minutes later he was back at my window reminding me of Misssouri's proof of insurance law. He made me raise my right hand and vow to go straight home and put my card in my van and then he presented me with a written warning. I raised my hand and promised to do just as he said as long as we could still detour through the doughnut shop on the way home. He smiled, approved and sent me on my way. My mom said I should have offered him a doughnut too but I didn't want to press my luck.