Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Pain and the Agony

Ohhh, owwww,eeeeh! Now that I am past my prime I have decided to get in better shape. Gone are the days when I hoped to get second glances for looking good but I would like to be able to look in the mirror and think, hey, you look OK for a 44 year old. My neighbor is a personal trainer and he has offered to assist me in this great task. So far I have worked out 3 times and walked once. Now this may not seem like a big deal but this is longer than I have stuck to any exercise program since, well, college. Not to mention the humiliation when he told me he needed to take my measurements. My husband doesn't even know that!! The day after the first workout I could not sit down. My legs hurt so bad. I asked my trainer if it was common for his clients to hate him and he is someone I respect and love!! We are starting with 2 days a week but after 3 sessions I don't hurt quite so bad. So look out friends, I am planning on sticking this one out (please pray for me) I may never look like I did in high school. The sad thing is I hated the way I looked then and now I wish I looked like that! Oh I am depressing myself, but at least my muscles don't ache!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am SO very, very proud of you! I KNOW you will succeed! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! I know this is something you really want!

Little do you know, you working out has sparked conversation between me and Mark, and we are joining Rhinos. We are gonna work out together 3 days a week! You're an inspiration--keep up the good work!
