Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wii Wii

OK, I have to say we have spent more family time since we got our Wii. The problem is we spend more time arguing too. Who gets remote #1, what game are we going to play, which two of the 6 of us sits out? Not to mention the countless times the kids have gotten mad because they are losing. Even Mike reverts back to a competitive 10 year old when he plays. Don't get me wrong, the game is way fun but sometimes I just want to take it to my room and play by myself!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Home based business

I am excited about starting my own home based business. Check out my new web page at If you are planning a vacation, get a quote!! I may not bring in the big bucks but if nothing else, it gives me another excuse to play on my computer.